hey there, I’m taylor & I’m thankful you’re here.


I love pretty things and finding ways to incorporate happy moments in my home whether it’s with color, style or oils.

an Iowa-native currently living in southern Minnesota with my best friend & husband of 10 years, Cody, and our two kiddos. We believe God has called & equipped us to serve in full-time vocational ministry without regret.

10+ years graphic design experience, specializing in branding, collateral and illustration. From a young age I always wanted to be the girl designing wrapping paper, paper party supplies, and seasonal store signage at Target (ya know, those cool things hanging from the ceiling).

I have a keen eye for trends and a love of interiors. I love helping my friends & family make design decisions. For me, it usually boils down to affordability, quality, and functionality. I find (possibly too much) joy in hunting for bargains on Target end caps & the local thrift store. ;)

floral & plant enthusiast - I don’t pretend to know everything. I simply appreciate the beauty of God’s design in nature and bringing it inside my home.

avid coffee lover – hot or cold, I don’t discriminate. Always a favorite - iced blonde vanilla latte or cold brew with a splash of creamer.

most importantly, Jesus is my life’s greatest treasure. He captured my heart as a young girl & by His grace, continues to show me my need for him. As I’ve prayed over developing this online space, my desire is to use the gifts & talents He has given me for His glory.

contact me if you’re

…looking to start a business or rebrand your current one.
…interested in learning more about Young Living essential oils.